Here is a little ditty that I wrote several years ago after a horrible breakup with an ex girlfriend. I believe it to be 100% honest and true. Hopefully you'll find some amusement or perhaps even a little wisdom that you can hold on to...

The Truth About The Female Species

* All women truly are basically dishonest whores who have one sided mentalities and no respect for their counter parts.

* Women have lied to you, cheated on their boyfriends with you and are exactly what they claim MEN to be:

* Insensitive pigs who care only about sex and money and whatever they can get.

* Women cannot enter into an equal relationship if it means any sacrifice on their part.

* All females will generally interfere with your life if it is not spruced to their liking.

* In short these b!tches are never satisfied. Ever.

* They all play games, are generally disrespectful and will always find something wrong with you no matter how well you treat them.

* However, as men, we DO have our own defense mechanisms:

1. Never give too much of anything, keep the b!tch wondering, and never let her dominate any area of your life.

2. The harder you are to figure out, the more the challenge. When she finally makes a little ground it is like a miracle to her.

3. When she wants to start a fight, completely agree with her on everything.

* This will completely piss her off and she will want an adversarial situation, but don't give it to her.

4. Never let her think she has the upper hand sexually. Let her know that if she holds back on sex to try and get her way, that you can always go elsewhere, then don't call her for a couple of days and hang out somewhere.

5. Let her steam.

6. Be direct sexually and your scoring rate will go up dramatically. F*ck the dating and the games, cave man works best.

** Look at all the chicks with loser guys-- and they consider them real men... Why is that?

Because they're mean and blunt. Women will not respect you if you are a gentleman, trust me on that.

7. Screw the friendship and big brother sh!t unless she is truly cool.

* Yes, I admit that there are some cool women out there...

* Lastly, we all need sex and we all get lonely, women can be nice people too-- they just can't help being women.

You don't have to hate them, just realize what they are here for, and don't have any expectation of anything else.

After all if you can't talk her into a date, you can probably just buy her.


Credit: Ron "Showtime" Stewart