"Roses should be respected,"
He used to say to me.
He was a kind man, a gardener
For a neighbor of our family.

He kept a garden so trim and neat
It was such a joy to see,
As the flowers smelled so sweet
With colors that did delight,

Often did I wonder if he were sad
Then one day, he said to me,
"Can we talk a little bit--
May I buy you a cup of coffee?"

"There is a secret I must share."
He seemed relieved to say the words
"Your mother was lovely as a rose.

I loved her as long as I dared."
"She knew I was your father, but,
Being a gardener,not suitable for her
Husband--so pregnant by me--
She wed a rich man who adopted you."

"You had everything you needed
And they could not tell you the truth
But, my days now are very few--
I've loved so long the both of you."

Written 9-11-04Copyright©2004 Marie L Sellers

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