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What are your Terms of Service?
All premium website plans are for calendar months.
We do not charge sales tax. You may be responsible for use taxes; if so, you are responsible for paying them.
Tenants websites may be deleted without notice, for any cause or no cause whatsoever. Tenant agrees that usage of websites is not for archival purposes, that all valuable material on websites has been backed up to another computer or to offline media, and that loss of material shall not constitute any loss to tenant.
Tenant agrees to comply with the RFC on Netiquette, and with all laws of the United States, and of Pennsylvania, and of the jurisdiction in which tenant resides. Furthermore, tenant agrees that he shall defend, indemnify, save, and hold harmless Paulding Homes for any liability for injury to natural or unnatural person or persons, any infringement, any defective product or service, or any other liability arising from use of Paulding Homes.
Sites are not transferrable from one party to another without the express permission of Paulding Homes.
URLs remain the property of Paulding Homes, and may be modified and/or eliminated at the convenience of Paulding Homes for any purpose whatsoever, or for no purpose at all.
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