ruby bar


            What know you, young one
            Of the ancient lady
            And of her centuries-long travail
            What know you of kings   
            And of warriors
            Who her love, her legend hailed
            From the reckless carnage  
            Of untold battlefields
            While in weary silence   
            She witnessed
            Their scarlet homage
            From behind her widow's veil

What know you of river Stix And of the lonely journey To the shores of Hades For in your youth You heed not wisdom Giving death but a passing thought Your strong body alien to the rot That pervades eternal In that dark kingdom

What know you, young one Of how legends last Living only for tomorrow How can you understand the sorrow Of a soul born in the distant past You, who in the span of time Flare for the briefest moment Your death but one small ripple In her legacy of crime

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