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This is the place where you can come and check on the latest additions to this website. A thing that might come in handy as the author - that being me - seems to have a veritable tribe of plot-bunnies hopping about impatiently as they wait their turn to be written. So that means that I will be updating often!.

And when you are done perusing, you can go: Back To Site Map

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June 20 - 2006:

My first femslash fic. Yay!

FINAL FANTASY VII: "Terms of Engagement" Chp-1
June 15 - 2006:

Finally! An update on this story (sheepish grin).

LOTR: "Becoming Destiny" Chp-63
June 11 - 2006:

FINAL FANTASY VII: Snapshots: One Day Series - "Midday"
May 29 - 2006:

Okay, not quite done. Though this is the start of a multi-part series. And yes, I will get the next chapters to my other stories up soon. *Shamefaced grin*

FINAL FANTASY VII: Snapshots: One Day Series - "Late Morning"
May 27 - 2006:

Well, I guess I had to get a triad of one-shots out the way, before resuming work on my longer stories for LOTR. So here's the last of the three. :)

FINAL FANTASY VII: "Rest In Peace" - Single chapter story
May 12 - 2006:

FINAL FANTASY VII: "Mine" - Single chapter story
May 7 - 2006:

New fandom!

FINAL FANTASY VII: "Only He" - Drabble
April 20 - 2006:

Well, what do you know...*grins*

LOTR: "Becoming Destiny" Chp-62
April 17 - 2006:

Yay! A real update!

INUYASHA: "Someone To Protect" Chp-2
April 6 - 2006:

Gave the old website a bit of a spruce-up. Also, added links to my poetry (such as it is *grins*) and to my LJ. Now all I have to do is get the lead out, and finish my ongoing stories, already! Else I fear that my plot bunnies will soon decide to murder me in my sleep, and decamp for better digs.
February 12 - 2006:

Boy, have I just made a lie out of that "I will be updating often" statement at the top of this page! I am truly sorry. I decided to return to college, and so my spare time has become nearly non-existent. Once I get used to this extra-hectic pace, I promise I will get around to writing, and posting, more chapters. In the meantime... Happy Valentine's Day!
November 1 - 2005:

LOTR: " The Returned" Chp-22

Big hugs to any readers from over at AFF. Glad you're here and...Welcome! :)

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