
Virtualstone Score Keeper

Keep track of your high scores for the games you play (and those of any competitors!) by using the cookied storage boxes below. Enter the game name, player name and high scores and dates (if desired). The Score Keeper with keep your stats for 180 days. Be sure to re-save periodically, if you want to keep them longer.

Always click on the Load Cookies button below before use!

[ Load Saved Cookie Info ]

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[Save]        [Delete]

Material will be stored 180 days. Be sure to re-save your scores periodically. Always use the "delete" link to erase Score Keeper textboxes!!

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"Virtualstone Score Keeper" design ©2000-2007 by M.L.Tyre. Original javascript by Dennis Weaver, modified by M.L. Tyre. All rights reserved.