Virtualstone Gamez

Since the shape is not selected until after you have made your choice, this is a test of your ability to predict future events. The accuracy of the result increases with the number of guesses that you make. The significance level is determined by a formula that was used with the Zenner tests. Scroll down for test results.

Circle Plus Square Star Waves

Number Guesses:

Number Correct: 

Percent Correct:   

Less then 1.96 indicates no psychic ability. 1.96 to 2.58 indicates some psychic ability. 2.58 to 3.00 indicates significant psychic ability. Greater than 3.00 indicates very signficant psychic ability.

Virtualstone Zenner Cards game design ©2007. Game developed by R.B. Rhine from a psychic test developed by Dr. Zenner. Original script by Ted Kappes, modified by M.L. Tyre.