<font size="6" color=#ff0000>ALERT! JS Failure! Hold down the CMD key on your keyboar and tap "R" several times to Reload Page!!</font>

[[Halloween]]    [[Autumn]]     [[Winter]]

[[Spring]]    [[Summer]]

Use "VIEW" button on your MSNTV remote or keyboard
to Exit Game screen! Do NOT use Back-Key!

MSNTV (WebTV) New Classic and Plus Models Only


Here's a variation on the original Interactive T.V. game from Virtualstone Studios! This time, we are featuring some seasons and holidays. Have some fun "tossing" seasonal items at your T.V. screen!

To start, all you do is click on your choice of "season" on the T.V. set above, and click on it. Then when the T.V.screen comes up, just move your cursor around to where you want to throw something then click!! Have fun! To end game, remember:

IMPORTANT!! Use "VIEW" button on your webtv (MSNTV) remote or keyboard to exit Game Screen!


Virtualstone Interactive T.V. page script and design ©2007 M.L. Tyre. Acknowledgment and gratitude to ByronDallas and Titus10 for their assistance in the development of the game script. Thanks also to KLMerritt for her contribution of the MSN® butterfly graphics.