Here are some interesting graphics for your webpage, or email! There are spaceships and neon, Native American images, religious art, and ancient symbols. From popular icons and inspirational, to the unusual and even bizarre, the Stone Temple houses an ecclectic collection. Hope you find just what you are looking for!

You are free to use these images for your personal, non-commercial webpage or email signature. However, please upload the files to your own server! Do NOT direct link to the Stone Temple! Thank you!

Aliens and Outer Space

BigAlien PeaceAlien Head
DisocAlien PinkAlien Alien&Word
Area 51 AlienVW AlienDance
YellowHead Marvin AlienButton
TwoAliens * *
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Native American & Religion

Cheif Angel WheelWeapons
DreamBar DreamCatcher DreamCatcher
DreamCatcher * Jesus
JesusKnocking 3 Crosses Luke24
WolfCatcher IndianLady HeadDressButtn
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Black Light Crown Guitar
Jester Butterflies Dancers
Face Masks Parrot
Dancer Speaker *
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***All images are to the best of my knowledge "public domain". If you find any that are not, and provide adequate proof, the item(s) will be removed immediately upon request. Contact me here. Thank you.

This page is undergoing construction. I am "remodelding" and plan to add more gifs on a regular basis, so check back often! BE SURE TO RELOAD PAGE TO SEE NEW ADDITIONS!

"STONE TEMPLE" design ©2000-2007 by M.L. Tyre. All rights reserved. This page is part of Virtualstone Studios ©2007. All rights reserved.