<font color="#FF0000"size="3">WebTV Only: ALERT!</font><font color="#0000ff"size="2"> Javascript failure!<br>Hold down the CMD key on your keyboard and<br>hit "R" several times to reload page!</font><br><font color="#FF0000" size="3">Computer Users:</font><font color=<"#0000FF"size="2"> Download <a href="http://developer.webtv.net/design/tools/viewer/Default.htm">WebTV Viewer</a><br>to see this page as it was intended to be seen.</font>
So easy a slope-headed knuckle-dragger can do it!

This page was conceived and created for WebTV (MSNTV) Users using a MSNTV MAT976 Plus receiver. You may wonder why, with the decline of the "set top box" and the dwindling population of "webbies" online, that we'd want to make such a page? There are lots and plenty of "help pages" and "tool pages" and whatnot that were created years ago for the WebTV user. Why a new one? That's easy. We wanted a sort of "one stop" basics page for ourselves, and thought we'd share it with you!

So here's some of the stuff you'll find here:
(Much ~ but not all!~ of the information here is applicable for computer users also!)

› Wutz CCP?: Here is a (hopefully) simple explanation of how to "Cut Copy and Paste"; a feature you really need to know for forwarding websites to discussion groups, quoting what other people say, copying codes and/or other useful things. With CCP the (www) world is your oyster!

› BASIK HTML: Here's a no-nonsense run down on how to create a basic HTML code for your signature box (that's what you want most, right?). This "basic" premise is a good foundation for webpage creation, also. Learn these basics, do a bit of research (we've got the links right here!) and you'll be a "Webpage-Guru" in no time!

› TRIX & TIPZ: A couple of fun ideas to really spice up your email signature! Read up on CCP and the HTML basics then try these ideas to really impress people with your classy email!

› QWIK CODEZ: It doesn't get any better than this! But you've got to have that CCP thing down, or you can't enjoy this feature! Here's a bunch of great "plug ins" for your page! Assorted buttons, "instant messengers", target tags, audioscopes, status bar tricks, textarea boxes, and lots and lots more! Go pick up a few goodies!

› TOOLZ: Here's a collection of useful tools for you! Find out the dimensions of an image, transparentize the background of an image so it'll match your page! There's a source viewer and image snagger and some image "manipulators" for custom image work. PLUS there are several different testbeds (with different features) to check your work, storage areas for your codes, a transloader, an uploader (for MSNTV scrapbook), plus lots MORE! And don't miss the Color Cube Machine! This cool tool can help you figure out not only your background colors, but what text looks good on it too..automatically!

› GADGITZ: Just what the name implies...here are some gadgets and gizmos; including a calculator, a "character counter" (this is very useful to control sig and page size!), a percentage analzyer, a multi-search engine tool, and some other fun and cool "toys" to enjoy!

›LINX-4-U:Here's those links we mentioned! Find "how to"'s and tutorials, custom banner makers, graphics, music. searches, tools, and a whole plethora of wonderful things on the World Wide Web...many geared specifically for MSNTV users!

› PIX: Okay...so we are throwing in a few graphics for you to try on your sig or homepage! The collection is not all that big, right now, but we'll be adding to it as time goes by. Even so, there are some really unique images here, and some you may not find anywhere else!

› MUZIK: We thought about putting together a "midi" page, but that might be sometime in the future...if at all. So instead, we're providing a few music searches and a .wav search for you to find the music or sounds you want! :-)

› GAMEZ: Some fun diversions for your pleasure and entertainment!

New!› DISCUSS: A Message Board the works much like MSNTV's dgs! Come on in, and make yourself at home!

We hope you find
a fun and useful place to hang out and to learn and play. Please ((bookmark)) this site! Some of the tools (including the Virtualstone Tools page itself) were especially made so you can put them directly on a "F-Key" for fast and easy convenience.

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Design and content of "Virtualstone Studios" & related pages ©2007 by M.L.Tyre & P.Owens. All rights reserved. No part of these pages may be copied or reproduced without permission of the webmasters.