Wanna make your Sig extra cool?? Here's some tips & trix for you to try:
  • 1. For text & images above the subject-line of your e-mails, use this code right under the <html> tag (this code does NOT work in NewsGroup posts):

    <br><center><font size=""color="">Words Go Here</font><br> <img width=""height=""src="">

    You can put any number between 1-7 (1=small letters, 7=big letters) in the font size space, & any web-safe color in the font color space (check the color cube in the Toolz section). The image width & height go in the spaces provided (between the quotation marks ""), & the image URL goes in the src="" space. You can then put the <body> tag next, & the rest of your Sig codes go under that.

  • 2. If you want to cover the side-bar of your Sig, use the codes below (this works in e-mails & postings), however it does not work for the 2.9.1 upgrade. The sidebar codes for the 2.9.1 will be provided farther down this page.:

    <style>#side{position:absolute; top:-800; left:-130;} </style> <body bgcolor="?"text="?"> <div ID="side"><table border="0" width="120" height="1250" bgcolor="?" gradcolor="0" gradangle="60" background="http://domania.us/Wizzard/Imagez/Basic/Clear.gif"><tr><td width="120" height="1250"><img width="120" height="1250" src=""></td></tr>

    This code goes right under the <html> tag (or under the code for text images above the subject-line: #1, above) & includes the <body> tag (so you don't need to put in another one) -- & this code includes an image tag, so you can put an image in the side-bar as well as covering the side-bar with the color of your choice. Just put the correct info. where the ?'s are, & make sure the image you use is sized to width=120 & height=1250.
    1. Always make sure the tag is the very first thing in your Sig box, with no spaces or anything in front of it. Before you put anything else in your Sig box, put your cursor in there & tap the "delete" button several times, before you put the <html> tag in....otherwise, your Sig won't show at all! :(

    For Emails and Newsgroup Posting

    The following codes will produce a quasi-transparent sidebar cover that will show in both email and newsgroups, and are compatible with the MSNTV 2.9.1 upgrade. There are a few things to keep in mind with these codes.

    1. The codes should be put on a webpage; then the url of that webpage should be embedded into your sig. This will look like this in your sig box:<html><body bgcolor="color" text="color"><embed src="http:URL OF SIG CODE PAGE"></body></html>.. You "can" put the codes directly into your sig box, however they will NOT work in email.
    2. When using these codes, they will not "look right" while you are writing your post or email. They will only look "correct" after sending.
    3. Always use the tags <embed src="url of gif"> and <embed src="url of sound"> instead of <img src="url of gif"> and <bgsound src="url of music>.
    4. When copying (CCP) these codes for use you will need to change a few things for your personal preference. Look for CAPITALIZED letters for COLOR and URL OF YOUR GRAPHIC and NUMBER and URL OF YOUR MIDI. You will also see places for YOUR ANI GIF We are providing a "transparent ani gif" for your use (please transload/upload to your own server- click on "YOUR ANI GIF" above. Erase the capitalized instructions indicated, and replace with actual urls or information.
    5. Do NOT change ANY other attributes or ratios in the codes but the ones mentioned above!

    So here are 5 different styles of sidebar to choose from:

    Basic Gradcolor Sidebar: (text page

    Single Tube Sidebar:(text page)

    Double Tube Sidebar: (text page)

    Graphic Sidebar: (text page)

    Three Tube Sidebar: (text page)

    Virtualstone Studios // Toolz // Gadgitz // Qwik Codez // Wutz CCP? // Basik HTML // Linx-4-U // Pikturz // Muzik

    Virtualstone Studios "Sig Trix and Tips" ©2007 by M.L. Tyre and P. Owens.