<font color=#ff0000 size="6">ALERT! Javascript Bug! Hold down CMD key and hit "R" on your keyboard several times to reload page!</font>

How to cut, copy, & paste (CC&P): Once you get the hang of it, "CC&P" is one of the easiest & most important things you can learn how to do. You can copy an entire page online (how about the latest pet food recall list?) or just a section of text from a post or email to "quote". When coding in a webpage editor or signature box, CCP can save a lot of time with repeat code sequences. or "plugging" in snippets of code (see "Qwik Codez"). Being able to "get" the url of a page and send or save it is good too! This applies to image and sound files as well.

There are three different ways of doing this, and I will tell you how to do them.

1. First, put your cursor at the beginning of the words you want to copy (if you can). Then, hold down the "shift" button & use the left arrow key to 'highlight' all the words you want -- once you have all the words that you want to copy highlighted, let go of the other buttons & hold down the "cmd" button & touch the "c" key. You should hear a little "chirp" which signals the text is actually copied into the browser's temporary memory. You have just cut & copied the words you want, but you're not done yet -- now you have to go to where you want the words to be copied to. Once you get there, put your cursor where you want the words to start, then hold down the "cmd" button & touch the "v" key -- the words will appear right where you want them (you can CC&P whole pages this way!).

2. Another way to CC&P (if you can't put your cursor where you want it) is to use the "find" button. On the top row of keys on the MSNTV keyboard (5 keys in from the right) is the "FIND" key. Click on that, and a "screen" will pop up. In this screen you can type in the first word or two that you want to begin copying, & when you click the "find on page" link on the "find" pop up screen feature, the first words you want to copy will be highlighted in the text of the page you were viewing. In the event that those particular words are repeated on the page and you are wanting to copy the second or third sequence, you can hold down the CMD key on your keyboard and click on the letter "g". This will jump the highlighted words to the next set. Repeat this procedure until you are positioned on the section of text you want to copy. Now hold down the "shift" button and use the left arrow button to highlight all the words you want to copy (just like you did before), and when they're all highlighted, hold down the "cmd" button & touch the "c" key. You should hear a little "chirp" which signals the text is actually copied into the browser's temporary memory. Next, go to where you want the words copied to, hold down the "cmd" button again & touch the "v" key.

3. To use the "CCP textboxes" on a page like Qwik Codes all you need to do is position your cursor inside the desired textbox containing the code (you can tell if you are in the right place because the cursor will start blinking or will become brighter), CMD+A then CMD+C to copy (as you would a whole page or email) and then take the copied code to the editor you want, or to your email signature box and CMD+V to paste it there. Remember to remove any instructions that might have been copied with the code before publishing!

Okay..now let's try practicing what we've covered so far!

Try using your "find" key to highlight, then CCP various sections of the above article. "Paste" your results in the box below to see how well you did! Next position your cursor either in front of or behind a chosen word and use your shift+ arrow keys to move right or left over the word(s) you want to copy. "Paste" them in the practice box, and give yourself a pat on the back!

Practice Box

Use the "delete" button on the keyboard to erase your practice. OR you can position the cursor in the textbox, CMD+A then CMD+x. Presto! All the text vanishes! Now using the above box to "paste" into, try copying the below text in the textbox using the CMD+A, CMD+C method.


4. To copy the URL of a webpage, sound file or image file to either paste somewhere or to take to a transloader/uploader, or to an image manipulation tool, validator or source viewer, do this:
While on the page you want click the "Option" key on the bottom row of keys of the MSN keyboard. A little screen will pop up. Click on the "go to" button on this screen. Another little screen will pop up with a textbox area on it with "http://" already inside, and buttons that say "show current" and "show last". Click on the appropriate button (usually this will be "show current" however for sound files you will use the "show last" button) and the URL will appear in the textbox area. Now CMD+A and CMD+C to copy (as you did above) and you can then take the URL and paste it where you want it.
If you want to collect several URLs, you can do so by CCP-ing each url and pasting them into the window together. To do this you CCP one URL (copy it) then go to the next page you want to copy. Proceed to get the URL as described here. When the new page's URL appears in the textbox on the little screen, hit your spacer bar a few times then "paste" (CMD+V) the previously copied url into the textbox after the new URL in the textbox. Then CMD+A and CMD+C again and proceed to the next page. Continue this sequence exactly for every URL you are wanting to copy. You can collect a huge amount of URLS to copy and paste at one time this way!. Bear in mind that if collecting image URLS or sound URLS you will have to paste your list somewhere (like an email to yourself) and take them from there one-by-one to a transloader or whatever other tool you want to use for them. You cannot paste a "list" of such files into a transloader or tool all at once and expect good results!

Virtualstone Studios // Toolz // Gadgitz // Qwik Codez // Wutz CCP? // Basik HTML // Linx-4-U // Pikturz // Muzik // Trix

Virtualstone Studios WUTZ CCP ©2007 by P.Owens and M.L. Tyre. All rights reserved.